Wokingham Today

How Captain Tom inspired a haircut


DIY haircuts may have become the norm during lockdown, but for one Woosehill youngster the chop has meant hundreds of pounds for charity.

Eleven-year-old Molly Story began May as Rapunzel’s lookalike. Two months later and she’s showcasing a new look with a real sense of pride.

On Sunday, May 24 the generous youngster lost 15 inches of her hair as part of a fundraiser for Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Inspired by Captain Tom’s efforts for the NHS, Molly saw lockdown as an opportunit­y to help frontline workers on a local level by donating to the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

She said: “I wanted to give back to the heroes who risk their lives daily to help and save people.

“When I was seven I raised £2,000 by cutting my hair for the Royal Berkshire Hospital and Princess Trust so I wanted to do it again.

“As lots of people contribute­d to Captain Tom’s fundraiser, I wasn’t sure I’d receive even £150 so I was so happy when I got to £400.”

“I felt really proud.”

And designated hairdresse­r, Mum Kelly, describes the moment

Molly requested her help. She said:

“One evening Molly turned to me and said, ‘can we do it now?’

“It was almost 10pm at the time so my husband and I said no, but when I saw how determined she was I changed mymind.

“We went upstairs and just cut it there and then. She was over the moon.

“It was like she’d been given a new lease of life and huge boost in confidence.”

Ms Story added: “Molly is always looking forways to help people and animals, and has so much kindness inside of her so I wasn’t surprised when she came up with the idea.

“At first she wanted to raise money for the NHS like Captain Tom, but we decided a local cause would make more of an impact.

“She chose the Royal Berkshire Hospital as both her and her brother Sam spent a lot of time there as babies as theywere premature.

“The hospital has continued to care for Sam so Mollywante­d to give something back to them to show her appreciati­on.”

To donate to Molly’s fundraiser log on to bit.ly/3fNvKEr.

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