Wokingham Today

Remainers have damaged our democracy


Dr Peter Hornsby (Wokingham.Today July 23) seems to be an intelligen­t person who likes a conspiracy theory. The problem with some Remainers is that they still cannot accept the result of the democratic­ally conducted EU Referendum in 2016.

I voted Leave because I was fed up with seeing an arrogant UK and European elite spraying my hard earned taxpayers money up the wall. After all, it is taxpayers money which is used to fund the highlife that the Eurocrats enjoy.

The fine food and drink. The luxury travel and luxury hotels. The list goes on. No austerity for Europe's finest.

What banking crash? The Eurocrats did not adjust their lifestyle to take into account the austerity being suffered by their fellow EU citizens aka The Plebs.

Such outrageous arrogance deserved a message, and the ordinary voter did not disappoint. Any organisati­on that has been unable have it's accounts verified for 20-plus years should not even be in existence.

Some may even believe that the EU is a racket to extract money from the less well off taxpayer.

If a foreign power wished to interfere in the EU referendum, which side would it pick? Surely it picked the Remain side. The proof of this is in the massive disruption and dislocatio­n caused by some Remainers since 2016.

Parliament and country paralysed for three years, brought about by people who said that they agreed to respect the Referendum result and then reneged on the agreement.

So, some Remainers caused the paralysis of normal Government in the UK for three years. If I was the leader of a malevolent foreign power I’d have been rubbing my hands with glee.

This because of the damage done to our democracy by some Remainers who just would not, or could not, accept the EU Referendum result of 2016. Now there’s a conspiracy theory for you.

Paul Clarke, Wokingham

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