Wokingham Today

POETRY CORNER Road Map part two We love receiving reader’s poetry. Email your submission­s to letters@wokingham.today

- Lorna Minton

Once again the rules will change

on Monday of this week,

Shops termed “non-essential” will

let us have a peek,

Their doors will all be open and covid

rules observed,

But people might be wary and feel

a bit reserved.

Dare they go inside with their face

mask firmly fixed?

This is a big decision, and views on this

are mixed.

But coved jabs have now been given

to half the population,

So perhaps we ought to support our

shops and ban all reservatio­n.

With road map number two in place,

dining out’s allowed,

But only in the open air with friends

(though not a crowd)

“Rule of Six” is still in place, and our

details will be taken,

So if we pick the virus up, “Test and

Trace” will be awakened.

Outdoor sports can also start, and

barbers resume their clipping,

The thought of all this freedom is

positively gripping!

For far too long we’ve all been stuck in

total isolation,

So going for a haircut becomes an

exciting consolatio­n.

But these new freedoms might increase

the virus escalation,

So washing hands and wearing masks will still need full attention, It means we must be cautious, if road

map three can come,

So stick with social distancing as a

general rule of thumb.

Meanwhile our Prime minister is

thinking “covid passport”,

Some in parliament approve this plan,

while others feel it’s fraught.

They think it is discrimina­tory, but this

must be expected;

I bet they have some Club cards, so

their entrance is not rejected.

A passport seems the obvious way as

proof of vaccinatio­n,

Then everyone can feel relaxed in

various locations.

So Boris, get your skates on and come

to a decision,

Issue a ruling from the top, and end all

this division.

Having reached road map stage two, we

want to get to three

So that sociabilit­y can be widened, once

you’ve issued a decree.

For next on the map is travel, and we’d

love to leave these shores,

But some countries are badly affected;

let’s holiday on our moors.

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