Woman&Home Feel Good You



Ultimate skin beauty tip? As we get older our best friend must be an oil, whether El Emis ProDefinit­ion Facial Oil (i drink this up) or a body oil. A soft, nourished skin is the first combat to ageing skin. You can look 5-10 years younger. it’s never too late to change. Good breathing with a good homecare routine can keep your skin looking fresh and radiant. As a therapist, i always believed in a total approach to skin and skin health. This runs through the ElEmis concept and is why we invest heavily in education. i’m a great believer in a bath. i like the thought of putting the body into the energy of water. What you use in the bath is your choice but an aroma that tunes into your mood, like ElEmis life Elixirs, helps you use that time for what you need. W&H

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