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Update on – emergency contracept­Ion


It’s a common misconcept­ion among women into their mid and late forties that they are no longer fertile, but the latest figures for the number of terminatio­ns include 23 women who were over 50. every women should continue using regular contracept­ion until a year after her last period, but if you have a moment of unprotecte­d passion, there is emergency contracept­ion. methods available include the copper coil, and the “morning after” pill. two types of pill are available, either free on prescripti­on or to buy from chemists. ella one can be taken up p to 5 days later, and Le Levonelle 3 days lat later, though bo both work best if ta taken as soon as po possible. Women ov over 11 stone ne need to take tw two Levonelle ta tablets.

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