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3 Will I ever have “me time” again?


This is the huge shift in becoming a parent. At the newborn stage, the baby is quite simple: they can’t move anywhere, they feed a lot and they sleep quite a bit. So why do we find it so hard? It’s because this is when life goes from being all about you u to being all about someone else. Also, when they’re babies people think you’ll have loads of free time when they’re napping. Ha! I’d read a Gina Ford book saying that babies should nap for two hours. I’d spend two hours trying to get them to sleep, but they’d be awake again after 20 minutes. It drove me mad. Top Tip It’s hard finding time to yourself, but it’s so important – it could be something as small as a bath. That’s what inspired my post about nipping out to Sainsbury’s for some milk feeling like a trip to the spa!

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