Woman (UK)

From the surgery


Q I’m 28 and I still have acne. no over-the-counter creams work and it’s spreading to my chest and really getting me down. A Acne can persist way beyond adolescenc­e or even start in adulthood, so you’re not alone! Your menstrual cycle and pregnancy can cause acne, as can stress and smoking. The spots tend to occur on the face, chest and upper back and can be whiteheads, blackheads, painful red lumps and cysts. See your GP as there are lots of medication­s that can help. They may recommend a topical antibiotic in the form of a gel or lotion to apply to skin daily. Other options include a low-dose daily antibiotic, the contracept­ive pill or roaccutane, for which you would be referred to a dermatolog­ist.

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