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Stay fit & well

Stuck in a weight-loss rut? Push past your diet plateau and you could drop 7lb in 7 days


Beat your diet barriers

Green foods: fresh leafy greens, herbs and vegetables. green foods help to alkalise and purify the blood, increasing energy, and are an excellent source of fibre. Citrus fruits and berries are loaded with vitamin c. We need vitamin c for healthy adrenals to help maintain energy levels. Shellfish, fish, liver, lean red meat, cheese and eggs are other good sources of iron and vitamin B12, vital for energy. Live yogurt contains probiotics (good bacteria). When there is an imbalance of gut bacteria, this affects digestion and absorption of nutrients, sapping energy. avoid Processed foods, cakes, biscuits, crisps, fizzy drinks, chocolate and caffeine.

ESample menu Breakfast omelette with green veg Lunch Superfood salad: leafy green vegetables, quinoa, nuts and seeds dinner Lamb chop with green vegetables Snacks Dried fruit ating less, exercising more, yet still not getting the results you hoped for? or are you finding it hard to stick to a diet at all? ‘if you’re struggling to lose weight, despite your best efforts, it could be that you’ve hit a roadblock,’ says nutritioni­st Rick BEAT YOUR diet BARRIERS Hay. ‘The most common are lack of energy, hormonal imbalance, stress, food cravings and poor gut health. By identifyin­g what your roadblocks are, you can take action and the pounds will start to drop off. You will also experience improvemen­ts to your general health and wellbeing.’

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