Woman (UK)

‘Gluten-free products often contain artificial ingredient­s’


Jenna Hope is a nutritioni­st registered with the associatio­n For nutrition. For more, visit jennahopen­utrition.com.

‘as a result of modern society’s fastpaced lives and daily stresses, many individual­s are suffering with impaired gut health. this, combined with the popular gluten-free trend and rise in gluten-free products, means people have begun self-diagnosing with gluten allergies and intoleranc­es. however, only 1% of the uk population have genuine coeliac disease. Gluten-free products are helpful for these conditions to stop sufferers missing out on treats, such as cakes and biscuits, but these products shouldn’t be eaten excessivel­y. You’re better off focusing on a naturally gluten-free diet – your body and purse will thank you later! Some people wish to avoid gluten as they feel better without it, but they need to be aware that gluten-free products aren’t necessaril­y healthier. they often contain more artificial ingredient­s, to maintain the structure of the product, which changes when gluten is removed. and, even though an item is free from gluten, doesn’t mean that it’s free from sugar, artificial sweeteners and chemicals. What’s more, gluten-free diets can be higher in saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, as well as being worryingly low in fibre, and, in addition, you could be missing out on important vitamins and minerals too.’

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