Woman (UK)

Milk chocolate Dark chocolate



‘Dark chocolate and raw cacao powder is packed with brain-boosting compounds, including flavonoids,’ says Mays. ‘The flavonoids in chocolate gather in the areas of the brain that deal with learning and memory, helping slow down age-related mental decline.’ Mays suggests that you avoid chocolate that’s sweetened with lots of sugar. ‘Ombar is a great sugar-free brand,’ says Mays.

Try Ombar 100% (£1.99, ombar. co.uk)

SWAP Refined grains FOR Wholegrain­s

Instead of refined grains such as white flour, white bread and white rice, go for whole grain. This is a great way of boosting levels of vitamin E. Further research has highlighte­d that high levels of vitamin E are associated with improved cognitive performanc­e and reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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