Woman's Own

Eamonn and Ruth: ‘My Ruth is a wonderful drunk!’

They’re TV’S favourite couple, but how do Ruth and Eamonn spend Christmas Day? The This Morning duo reveal all to Richard Arnold


So who gets into the Christmas spirit first?

RUTH Always Eamonn. His birthday is 3 December so we usually start decorating the house for that. I don’t like putting the tree up that early but we’ll put lights up outside the house.

EAMONN As soon as I go to my first carol concert. I love anything traditiona­l. I don’t think Christmas should be a commercial fest. It’s called Christ- mass for a reason. Ruth is not religious at all and I am, so there is that pull of good and evil between us!

Is there mistletoe at home?

R Of course there is! We definitely kiss under the mistletoe. Now that I’ve had a different wig each week on Strictly, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t spice things up with a Mrs Christmas hairstyle.

E Christmas brings out the romantic in me if there is gin in Ruth! It depends how much gin is consumed by Ruth. If she had a few G&TS then it’s a very romantic Christmas.

What’s the first thing you do on Christmas morning?

R When Jack was young he would wake us up at 3am and Eamonn would groan, but I would get up and the first thing we’d do is the Christmas stocking, which is what I did with my parents – take the stocking in and open it first. Then I have to have tea. I can’t start the day without tea. If I’ve got people for Christmas, I get the turkey in. I’ve got a list of everything that needs doing.

E Between you and me, everything has to go to Ruth’s plan. Ruth is an army child and she is used to regimentat­ion, so there will be a schedule of events drawn up and it will begin: 0545, alarm goes off, 0548, tea is brewed and served by me. But what she really wants is a Buck’s Fizz...

Any regular traditions you do without fail?

R I lay my Christmas table on Christmas Eve and pity the person who sits down at breakfast on Christmas morning and leaves crumbs on it. Breakfast is upstanding!

E I always read The Night Before Christmas to my children, even my eldest boy at 28 gets a rendition of it whether he wants it or not. Jack’s 15 and I’ll

On Christmas lunch: ‘I don’t want a man in my kitchen!’ – Ruth

go into his room on Christmas Eve and he’s like, ‘Don’t Dad, don’t! Oh Dad.’ I’ll read it with the sound effects.

What time do you open your presents?

R Not until after lunch, which is something that my Dad started when my sister and I were young. He didn’t think it was fair because Mum was in the kitchen whilst we opened all our presents. E I can’t stand the mess of wrapping paper. When I was young, our toys from Santa’s helpers were left out on chairs for all the brothers with batteries included and ready to go with no wrapping. But in Ruth’s world, everything is wrapped.

Who does the cooking?

R Eamonn is not a cook. It’s not that he’s a chauvinist, it’s just he never did. His Mum had five boys and she did everything so he’s never learned, but he’s a very good host, doing the bonhomie next door. I don’t want a man in my kitchen, frankly.

E I don’t cook at all and the reason is because Ruth hates any interferen­ce in the kitchen and that suits me. Truthfully, I like people to come and visit but I don’t like them staying. Ruth is more open doors. I like peace and quiet.

What’s your favourite Christmas memory from your childhood?

R At my Grandma’s council flat in Portsmouth. We were living abroad at the time and I was about four. I got a nurse’s outfit and a doll whose hair grew. My Dad made me a farmyard, it was the best present ever.

E On Christmas night we would tour all the chapels around Belfast, each with its own Nativity display. We’d light candles and put money in the collection box and then Daddy would take us to homeless people and we’d have a bag of coins to give the people sleeping rough. We were taught to share. Dad would say, ‘You’ve got plenty for Christmas, now is the time to give to those that don’t.’

What’s the most embarrassi­ng thing you’ve done after too many Christmas tipples?

R A friend of mine taught me the knack of sliding away before it’s time. Never seek out the host because they always want you to stay and they try to persuade you to have another drink and it doesn’t take a lot of persuading as you know!

E I have great exit skills. I get instructio­ns from Ruth about when to leave and then Ruth will pipe up and call me a spoilsport because she’s decided that she doesn’t want to leave! The demon drink overrules her sensibilit­ies, but she’s a great drunk, a wonderful drunk. She’s much nicer drunk that she is sober. I prefer her as a drunk, but I’m a bore, I don’t drink. If she topples towards the Christmas tree, I’m there to catch her.

What about presents?

R We have a rule: one present each, but we’re very bad at keeping to it. My family would always give loads and everything is wrapped, even small things, like Maltesers. It looks very over the top. Eamonn was a bit overwhelme­d when we first met.

E Our first Christmas I gave her five presents and she gave me – and I’m not kidding – 44 presents. I couldn’t believe it. I thought, ‘This woman’s crazy, she’s a Christmas addict.’ It’s hard to compete with that.

What’s the worst Christmas gift you have ever received?

R A steam iron from my then boyfriend, who very quickly became my ex-boyfriend!

What are your New Year’s resolution­s for 2017?

R I hate them! I never make them, other people’s bore me to tears. They just make you feel bad about yourself. I think it’s great to think about what you want to achieve in the new year but if want to give up wine and chocolate, just get on with it.

E I fail abysmally at them. I have a pile of books that I haven’t read. I want to savour the flavour of life more. I want to find more time to spend with Ruth. Time is the greatest gift you can give anyone. Ruth and Eamonn are supporting Save The Children’s Christmas Jumper Day on Friday, 15 December

 ??  ?? Will Ruth have to rein in Eamonn this year?
Will Ruth have to rein in Eamonn this year?
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