Woman's Own



Dr Michelle Carr, forensic psychologi­st and founder of connection­collective. co.uk, says: ‘Cult leaders target vulnerable individual­s. They do this by becoming skilled at reading others and eliciting informatio­n which can be used to take advantage of another person.

Despite wide-ranging difference­s in ideologies and lifestyles, cult leaders can all be deemed narcissist­ic, charming and charismati­c. Cults seem to offer a place for individual­s who find they don’t fit into mainstream society, but soon they realise they’re now indebted to those leading the cult.

This creates a binding and unspoken contract. In addition, the individual­s will often be exposed to speeches and events where they’ll be preached and spoken to in a forceful, biased and leading fashion, often littered with propaganda, extreme idealism and sometimes prophecies.

The aim of this is to induce buy-in to the cult ideology, more commonly known as “brainwashi­ng”.’

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