Woman's Weekly (UK)

Just Browsing

- Teresa Teresa Conway, Knitting Editor

If you could only pick one piece of make-up to put on before leaving the house, what would yours be? Mine would be eyebrow filler, hands down. But this hasn’t always been the case.

Being a fair-complexion­ed individual, I have always coveted stronger brows. A few years ago, my eyebrows were verging on non-existent, and this wasn’t from over-plucking! I feared using cosmetics to draw them on, as I worried that they’d look too fake.

I watched as my friends threaded and plucked their brows into glorious shapes, and I wished that I could do something to bring mine to life. If I’d have known that it was possible to grow your eyebrows with the help of a product, I’d have invested in one straightaw­ay, as well as revelling in all the great advice on achieving the perfect brows in our beauty feature on p22.

If only I’d had trusty Woman’s Weekly on hand to advise me back then!

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