Woman's Weekly (UK)

Knitting & crochet



First side: With 3.25mm needles, cast on 56 sts.

K 3 rows for side and top edging.

1st row (right side): K3, [p3, k3] 6 times, p3tog, turn.

2nd row: K1, p2, [k3, p3] 6 times, k1.

3rd row: P2, [k3, p3] 6 times, k1, p2tog, turn.

4th row: K4, [p3, k3] 6 times. 5th row: K1, [p3, k3] 6 times, p2, p2tog, turn.

6th row: K2, [p3, k3] 6 times, p2.

Repeat last 6 rows, 3 times more – 40 sts. Leave these sts on a spare needle.

Second side: With 3.25mm needles, cast on 56 sts.

P 3 rows for side and top edging.

1st row (wrong side): P3,

[k3, p3] 6 times, k3tog, turn. 2nd row: P1, k2, [p3, k3] 6 times, p1.

3rd row: K2, [p3, k3] 6 times, p1, k2tog, turn.

4th row: P4, [k3, p3] 6 times. 5th row: P1, [k3, p3] 6 times, k2, k2tog, turn.

6th row: P2, [k3, p3] 6 times, k2.

Repeat last 6 rows, 3 times more – 40 sts.

Place wrong sides together and needles pointing towards row-ends.

Taking 1 st from each side and working them tog, cast off all sts, then join row-ends of edging together.

Fold case in half and starting at fold, join row-ends at base, then join edging together to within 2cm from top edge.


Sides: With 3.5mm hook, make 45ch, making sure that the chain is not twisted, slst in first ch.

1st round: 1ch (does not count as a st), [1dc in next ch] to end – 45 dc.

Mark end of last round and move this marker up at end of every round.

Pattern round: [1dc in next dc] to end. Pattern another 18 rounds.

Slst in next dc. Fasten off.

Flap: 1st round: With 3.5mm hook, make slip ring as follows: wind yarn round index finger of left hand, insert hook into ring, yarn over hook and pull through, 3ch (counts as a 1tr), work 11tr in ring, slst in top of 3ch – 12 sts.

2nd round: 3ch, [yrh, insert hook in same st at base of

3ch, yrh and pull through, yrh and pull through first 2 loops on hook] 3 times, yrh and pull through all 4 loops on hook – cluster made, *2ch, in next st work [yrh, insert hook in st, yrh and pull through, yrh and pull through first 2 loops on hook] 4 times, yrh and pull through all 5 loops on hook – cluster made, repeat from *10 times more, 2ch, slst in top of first cluster – 12 clusters.

3rd round: 1ch (does not count as a st), 2dc in top of first cluster, 2dc in next chsp, [2dc in top of next cluster, 2dc in next chsp] 11 times, slst in first dc – 48 sts.

4th round: 3ch (counts as 1tr), [miss 1 st, 1tr in next st, 3ch, miss 1 st, 1tr in next st] 11 times, miss 1 st, 1tr in next st, 3ch, miss last st, slst in top of 3ch. 5th round: 1ch, 1dc in space between 3ch and first tr, [5tr in next chsp, 1dc between next 2tr] 11 times, 5tr in last chsp, slst in first dc. Fasten off. To make up: Flatten sides and join chain edge. Place flap over top edge of purse with one third overlappin­g back and sew this part securely in position. Sew button to front, using a one chsp of 4th round of flap as a buttonhole.


Centre: 1st round: With 3.5mm hook, make slip ring as follows: wind yarn round index finger of left hand, insert hook into ring, yarn over hook and pull through, 3ch (counts as a 1tr), work 13tr in ring, slst in top of 3ch – 14 sts.

2nd round: [6ch, slst in 2nd ch from hook, slst in each of next 4 ch, slst in front loop of next tr at base of 6ch] to end.

3rd round: [15ch, miss 1 st on first round, slst in back loop of next st on first round] 6 times, 15ch, miss last st, slst in first free back loop on first round, [15ch, slst in next free back loop on first round] 6 times, 15ch, slst in next slst. Fasten off.

Outer petals: 1st round: With 3.5mm hook, make slip ring as follows: wind yarn round index finger of left hand, insert hook into ring, yarn over hook and pull through, 3ch (counts as a 1tr), work 12tr in ring, slst in top of 3ch – 13 sts.

2nd round: 3ch (counts as 1tr), 1tr in base of 3ch, [2tr in next st] 12 times – 26 sts.

3rd round: [9ch, slst in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 7 ch, slst in next tr] 26 times. Fasten off.

Place centre in the middle of outer petals and sew in position. Sew brooch fastener to back of flower (optional). Flower can also be pinned in position using a safety pin.


Cut ribbon into three varying lengths. Wind yarn round

8 x 15cm stout card for desired thickness. Cut yarn along one edge, then place one length of ribbon across the strands. Tie centre of strands securely with short length of yarn, enclosing ribbon. Take ribbon around centre of pom-pom and knot tightly. Holding ends of ribbon, trim pom-pom into shape. Using 5 x 15cm stout card, make 2 small pom-poms as before. Tie all ends of ribbons to key ring.

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