Woman's Weekly (UK)

The shorts that cured my BLADDER WEAKNESS


Sarah Smith, 52, from Newbury, Berkshire

My bladder weakness was first noticeable when I turned 40. I put up with it at first, wearing liners day and night, but then I started needing to wear really thick pads, and worried about smelling and leaking. Everything set it off – laughing, sneezing, moving. It affected my sex life and confidence too.

The turning point came at New Year’s Eve in 2018. Before we went out I had a shower and was getting ready. But by the time I’d done my hair and make-up, my pad was soaking. I smelt of wee and felt unclean. I had another shower and changed my clothes.

When we left I took spare jeans, underwear and pads, and while at the venue I had to change my pad eight times.

I saw my doctor, who referred me to a continence clinic. I learned pelvic floor exercises but they didn’t seem to help. My sister told me about INNOVO (myinnovo. com), a pair of shorts that exercise your pelvic floor muscles for you.

I bought a pair and wore them for 30 minutes a day, five days every week for 12 weeks. They weren’t cheap – £299 – and it took some dedication but, boy, was it worth it. They helped my muscles relearn how to control my bladder.

Four weeks on I didn’t need the pads and, 12 weeks later, I felt like my old self again – confident and positive. I now just wear my INNOVO shorts once a fortnight to top up.

The relief of not having to wear pads is massive. I’m so excited for the future – I finally have control over my body.

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