Women's Running



When I started to get aches and pains, I assumed it was down to training too much. However, at a time when Davina McCall was waking us all up to the benefits of HRT, it occurred to me that my joint pain might be down to perimenopa­use. I was also more tired than usual and, combined with time out due to injury, my running performanc­e was dropping off dramatical­ly. Could getting in control of my hormones help?

I was already taking HRT with oestrogen and progestero­ne but had heard from fellow runners how testostero­ne had helped them, but it wasn’t licensed on the NHS. So, I approached Dr Ginny Ponsford at The Women’s Hormone Clinic as I knew she was qualified in menopause care as well as being knowledgea­ble around endurance sport.

“Testostero­ne levels in women steadily drop from our mid-30s onwards,” she explained. “The only way to determine your level is through a simple blood test.”

“Testostero­ne is often advised for treating low libido in the menopause but many women experience benefits to their energy levels, muscle strength and cognition. It’s given as either a cream or gel which you apply to your skin. And for some runners, it can help to improve performanc­e and ability to train.”

Ginny also explained that it’s important to monitor testostero­ne hormone levels to ensure women are being kept within the female physiologi­cal range. This avoids potential side effects but also high levels could be considered as ‘doping’.

Testostero­ne helped tip the scales in my favour. After a long period of achy joints and tiredness, I’m now back running and seeing results. Since starting on testostero­ne, my 5K time has dropped by two and half minutes in three months, going from my slowest 25:17 in August 2023 to 22:43 in November 2023.

||Testostero­ne is often advised for low libido in menopause but many women experience benefits to energy levels, muscle strength and cognition||

 ?? ?? Testostero­ne can be the missing part of the jigsaw when it comes to treating menopause
Testostero­ne can be the missing part of the jigsaw when it comes to treating menopause

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