Women's Fitness (UK)

Madeleine shaw reveals how seasonal eating can drasticall­y improve your well being in her new book A year of beautiful eating

Madeleine shaw reveal show seasonal eating can drasticall­y improve your well being in her new book A year of beautiful eating


Healthy food and happiness is what Madeleine Shaw is all about. You’ll rarely, if ever, see a photo of her where she doesn’t have a beaming smile on her face. As a holistic nutritiona­l health coach, blogger and healthy chef, she’s dedicated to teaching everyone how to feel amazing from the inside out by learning what we should be eating, when and why.

However, she wasn’t always as informed about nutrition as she is today. Way back before her days as a healthy eating aficionado, her diet consisted of flavourles­s food that was, unbeknowns­t to her, jam-packed with sugar. Moving to Australia made her fully realise her love of food and she made a commitment to a healthier eating regime. It’s far easier said than done to break away from your harmful habits, but Madeleine is proof that you can transform your life and start living more healthily and happily than you could have ever imagined.

Madeleine’s new book, A year of beautiful eating (published by Trapeze in hardback and ebook, priced £20/£10.99), takes you through each season, teaching you about the types of food that are ideal to cook and eat throughout the year. She wholeheart­edly believes that nature and cooking should go hand in hand, which is why she’s taken the time to share over 100 nutritious seasonal recipes in her new book.

We spoke to Madeleine about her favourite new recipes, the ultimate post-workout snack and the power of seasonal cooking.

What are your favourite new cooking ingredient­s?

Recently I’ve been using a lot of hemp oil while I’m cooking. It’s high in omega-3s, low in saturated fat and ecological­ly friendly, plus it tastes delicious.

What ingredient have you sworn by for years?

Eggs! They are so versatile and packed full of protein. I always feel like I’ve had a really good, filling breakfast when I have eggs and I don’t need to eat again well into lunchtime. My favourite combo is scrambled eggs with some sliced avo!

What’s your ultimate meal to cook when you’re hosting friends for dinner?

I love my Tray-roasted Cod from my new book. It’s super simple to make, but looks really impressive. Plus, you can serve it straight from the tray, which means less washing-up afterwards!

What’s an easy post-workout protein snack to whip up ?

A protein-packed smoothie is definitely what I crave after a hard workout. My chocolate protein powered smoothie has spinach, cacao, nut butter and chia seeds in it, which will give your beautiful body a little extra boost.

What were the first things that made you notice the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle?

My skin started to glow, my hair grew and became more bouncy and shiny and I was having much less [sic] problems with my gut. I guess I just felt better within myself.

Why is it vital to match the food you eat with the season?

Seasonal foods have evolved that way because it’s what your body needs at that time. During the winter, your body craves starchy, root vegetables, whereas in the summer your body prefers cooling produce like lettuce and cucumber. Giving your body what it wants is a great way to keep it happy!

What are your top three recipes from your new book?

My Tray-roasted Cod, Vegan Banana and Peanut Butter Loaf and my Summer Lovin’ Bowl – I could eat these recipes every day!

What three words would best describe how healthy cooking makes you feel?

Empowered. Energetic. Happy.

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