Women's Health (UK)


Master the glute-building bridge


Your obsession with squats has long left other glute-shapers in the shade – especially given that, as an easily flustered Brit, you probably don’t take too kindly to a well-meaning trainer yelling at you to thrust your hips skywards – and the bridge is no exception. Well, more fool you. When it’s done correctly, this move is a beast for ‘strengthen­ing and toning the glutes and the hamstrings – the whole back line of the body,’ says Lisa Palmer, lead instructor trainer for Stott Pilates, as well as targeting your inner back muscles – which are crucial for good posture. ‘Someone who sits at a desk all day would benefit greatly from the bridge as it opens up the front of the hips, lengthenin­g the hip flexors, which may be tight,’ she adds. Best of all, a properly executed bridge fires up the deeper muscles in your body, such as your obliques, inner thighs and the abs that wrap around your spine. As for the squats versus bridge debate? Palmer clarifies that they’re both beneficial in different ways – squats are a great shout for optimally performing daily movements; but the bridge targets your ab muscles more intensely – so make sure you incorporat­e both into your bum workouts for the win. New to the bridge? Aim for eight to 10 reps, going slowly to maintain form, and build up from there.


You’re in your second trimester of pregnancy; your abs are super-weak – as this could make you arch and overextend your spine; or if you have any neck or shoulder issues.

 ??  ?? Lie flat on the floor in a ‘T’ shape, legs hip-width apart and palms facing upwards. 2 1 Bend your knees, placing your feet firmly on the floor. Clench your buttocks and push through your heels to lift your hips off the floor. 4 Make sure your upper...
Lie flat on the floor in a ‘T’ shape, legs hip-width apart and palms facing upwards. 2 1 Bend your knees, placing your feet firmly on the floor. Clench your buttocks and push through your heels to lift your hips off the floor. 4 Make sure your upper...

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