Women's Health (UK)


Five moves with ankle weights


Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Leave it out. Carrying it around your ankles, however? That’s something you’d do well to get on board with – at least if sexy sculpted legs are your thing. ‘Just as you go progressiv­ely heavier with your lift bar or increase the incline when pounding the treadmill, ankle weights are a simple way to add intensity to your body weight workouts, upping calorie burn and muscle endurance,’ says Gede Foster, master trainer at Frame. ‘Plus, they’re compact enough for working out on the move as well as at home.’ Just take note – the weights should be working your muscles, not overloadin­g your joints, so if you feel it in your knees, go lighter. Let the leg-sculpting begin. FYI 1. Run through the workout once. It should take around 20 minutes – or 30 minutes if you incorporat­e a warm-up and cool-down (and you should). 2. Rest for 15 seconds between sets. 3. Rest for 1 minute between exercises.

1 SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, core Do: 2 sets of 45 secs per leg

(a) With feet hip-width apart, hinge forwards at the waist, extending your right leg behind you and your arms in front. Hold for three counts.

(b) Crunch your right knee in towards your torso as you slowly return to an upright position.

Hold for three counts. Steady.

2 SIDE KICK-OUT Targets: Outer thighs, obliques Do: 2 sets of 10 reps per leg

(a) Stand with feet hip-width apart, with your toes turned out slightly and your knees soft.

(b) Transfer your weight to your right leg and kick out to the side with your left, keeping your knee and foot facing forwards. Then return to the starting position and repeat. Want to make it a bit harder? Pulse the raised leg a few times before lowering.

DONKEY TO DOG Targets: Glutes

Do: 20 reps per leg. If you’re feeling particular­ly punchy, pulse once you’re in position.

(a) Start on all fours. Kick your right leg up behind you and bring your forearms to the floor.

(b) Come back to all fours and open the right knee out to the side, keeping your belly button pulled in to support your lower back. Return to all fours and repeat the sequence.

HIP THRUST WITH LEG EXTENSION Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, core Do: 3 sets of 20 reps per leg

(a) Lying on your back with your feet on the floor, lift your hips up into a bridge, forming a straight line from your nose to your knees.

(b) Extend your right leg up to the ceiling. Slowly lower it in line with your left thigh as you exhale, then inhale and float it back up. Now pulse your hips four times. Does it burn? Good.

THE JANE FONDA Targets: Obliques, outer thighs Do: 3 sets of 20 reps on each side

(a) Lie on your right side propped up on your right forearm, with your left leg extended in front of you and your left arm raised.

(b) Lift your hips and raise your left leg straight up in one fluid movement. Then lower back down and repeat.

 ??  ?? WORTH THE WEIGHT Get your own Women’s Health 1.25kg ankle weights
Just £13.99 at argos.co.uk
WORTH THE WEIGHT Get your own Women’s Health 1.25kg ankle weights Just £13.99 at argos.co.uk
 ??  ?? THE EXPERT Gede Foster, master trainer at Frame (moveyourfr­ame.com)
THE EXPERT Gede Foster, master trainer at Frame (moveyourfr­ame.com)
 ??  ??

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