Women's Health (UK)


- Amy Costello, 28, from London, co-founded F45 Tottenham Court Road (f 45t raining. co. uk), a training studio, with her boyfriend Mike

‘My first date with Mike was a long run. I don’t know if it was the physical breathless­ness that made me attracted to him, per se, but there’s something about training with someone that strips away your insecuriti­es and forces you to lower your guard. It’s such a raw, natural activity – you can’t worry about what your hair looks like when you’re sweaty and red-faced. These days, it definitely helps us to sustain our relationsh­ip and our fitness levels. We’re both so busy running a business that it could be hard otherwise to make time for “us”. Now I can’t bail on a workout, because it would be like standing Mike up at the same time. Before meeting Mike, I would only ever run – albeit a lot. But, although I felt physically very fit, I had no core strength or muscle definition. By making an effort to find and develop a fitness routine that Mike and I could do together, I’ve learned from his experience, and he’s learned from mine. I’ve tried the HIIT workouts and weight-based exercises that he loves, while he’s doing more cardio. Now we both practise F45 circuits together, which gives us the best of both worlds.’

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