Women's Health (UK)


Perhaps the real magic of Christmas is its ability to render rational humans incapable of stopping at just the six mince pies. But what are all those extra mouthfuls actually doing to your body?


Deadlift variations


Overindulg­ence got you looking – and feeling – a bit rounder? The ballooning waistline is likely temporary. ‘The average adult stomach can hold two litres of food but can expand by up to four times its size,’ says Dr Megan Rossi, research associate at King’s College London. ‘Food leaves your stomach after two hours but a big meal can take up to four to move into your small intestine.’


Six roasties deep and you still can’t put the fork down? That’s where leptin comes in. ‘Known as the satiety hormone, leptin is produced by the body’s fat cells and carried by the bloodstrea­m into the brain, where it sends a signal to the hypothalam­us that you’re no longer hungry,’ says Dr Rossi. Don’t wait for your waistband to start cutting in – when your brain says stop, listen.


The reason you’re drowsy before pudding? ‘To aid digestion after a big dinner, blood rushes to the stomach, which can cause fatigue. This should go within two hours,’ says Dr Rossi. The hormones that aid digestion can also influence melatonin (the sleepy hormone) and the happy hormone serotonin.


Fight the urge to find the nearest sofa and set up camp. Lying down will put pressure on your stomach and could cause stomach acid to rise up to your oesophagus, triggering heartburn. Try to stay upright until that full feeling has subsided – at least half an hour.


You might feel tempted to sweat out those excess calories, but it’s likely to make you feel worse. ‘Fatty foods take a while to break down, so you’ll need to wait longer than usual to exercise after eating,’ warns Dr Rossi. ‘Listen to your body, but

I’d suggest sticking to a walk.’ Permission to wander in a winter wonderland.

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