Women's Health (UK)


...you have a case of summer snot?



Pimm’s at the pub, picnics in the park, ice cream on the pier – ah, the joys of British summer as observed via social media while you’re tucked up in bed. What gives? ‘Cold viruses fall into seven families,’ says John Oxford, emeritus professor of virology at the University of London. ‘Rhinovirus­es – aka common cold viruses – contain 150 group members and, while people associate them with winter, you can catch them all year round.’ We despair.


Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best while Susan sniffs away beside you? Good luck with that. Air-conditione­d offices encourage the spread of viruses. To give yourself the best chance of staying healthy, Professor Oxford advises employing a tactic called social distancing. ‘This antisocial behaviour encourages you to keep six feet between you and the sufferer.’ Stay back, Sooz.


Though your cold may feel different in summer, the symptoms – the runny nose, the sore throat and the delightful hacking cough – are actually very similar. But, while it’s true that summer colds are harder to come by, they’re also likely to linger for longer than their winter cousins as they tend to be stronger strains of the virus. Not cool.


Once struck down, the least you can do is try to stop the lurgy spreading, lest you ruin everyone else’s summer. So know that the old ‘hands over your mouth’ rule is wrong. ‘You shouldn’t screen your cough or sneeze with your hands, as this leads to transmissi­on,’ explains Professor Oxford. ‘Instead, sneeze into your elbow, which traps the virus harmlessly.’


For a swift recovery, cancel the HIIT sesh and chill out. ‘Don’t be dismissive of a summer cold – though rare, they can lead to serious conditions, such as bronchitis,’ warns Professor Oxford. Oh, and keep your airways clear by swapping your ice cream for an immunity-boosting orange, berry and pineapple smoothie, as dairy can increase mucus production. You’ll save on the Kleenex, too.

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