Women's Health (UK)

Welcome to Women’s Health

- Claire Sanderson Editor-in-chief Follow me on Instagram @clairesand­erson

Has a new year ever been more welcome than this one? As I write this, a vaccine has just started to be rolled out, meaning we might be able to return to a semblance of normality as early as the spring. I’m erring on the side of optimism that this is an actuality; choosing to believe that the light at the end of this darkest of tunnels is shining brighter by the day. This attitude doesn’t always come easily to me, but we need positive thinking now more than ever. That’s why, this year, I’m making it my goal.

My new year goals used to revolve around changing my body. I’ve been at war with my curves for as long as I can remember. Like clockwork, come 31 December each year, I’d make a declaratio­n to overhaul my nutrition and fitness regime in order to (as I saw it) improve my appearance. Recently, though, I had a bit of a revelation. I’d been feeling run-down and hadn’t exercised in 10 days. Prolonged periods of not working out always play havoc with my body confidence. But even after I started training again, I couldn’t shift the negativity. Then, one morning, after a sweaty class on my Peloton bike, I asked my husband to take a full-length picture of me in my gym kit. And you know what? I looked okay. Sure, I’ve been in better shape, but I’d convinced myself I looked a whole lot worse. It was a welcome reminder that the mind is a powerful thing. So, this year, my only goal is to challenge my negative thought patterns and harness that power for the positive, instead. Whether your own resolution­s are physical, mental or lifestyle-related, turn to page 66 to find out how to be among the 40% of people who are still on track come June.

Since nothing makes me feel positive quite like exercise, I’ll still be taking advantage of the impetus January gives me to get stuck into a new fitness regime. Join me in doing the four-week at-home HIIT plan on page 69 and on the Women’s Health Youtube channel. Make sure you share your progress on social media with the hashtag #getfitdone. If you’re trying to lose weight – and it’s a worthy goal when it’s done in a healthy, sustainabl­e way, with improving your health in mind – read our A to Z guide to weight loss on page 144.

You can always trust WH to provide credible, science-backed content that will empower you to be your healthiest self – and this month, you’ll find a whole lot more of it. At 164 pages, this issue of WH is our biggest ever. I hope you enjoy it, I hope you smash your goals in 2021 and, above all, I hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy. That’s the most important goal of all.

Until next month...

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