Women's Health (UK)


While the nutritiona­l content of your daily fare matters, so does when you choose to chow down. It’s time to get to grips with chrononutr­ition: the dietary difference-maker to your body’s metabolic health that you might be overlookin­g

- Laura Tilt, registered dietitian; lauratilt.com

Should you be keeping your mealtimes consistent?

Whether it’s your morning vinyasa practice, your 11am coffee or your lavender-scented, screen-free reading window between 10.30pm and 11pm, humans are creatures of habit. The attraction to routine isn’t surprising, and a key element of a daily routine is, of course, when you eat. The study of meal timing and its effect on health – aka chrononutr­ition – considers three key aspects of your eating patterns: meal consistenc­y (skip breakfast?), meal frequency (do you eat little and often or have bigger main meals?) and clock time (when are your first and last calories consumed?).

Health researcher­s are increasing­ly interested in chrononutr­ition because food is a ‘zeitgeber’. That is – aside from another win for German linguistic efficiency – something with the ability to impact your circadian rhythms (aka your internal body clock) and, consequent­ly, your metabolic health – as reflected by your levels of blood sugar, cholestero­l, blood pressure and body fat. Research suggests that having irregular eating patterns and distributi­ng most of the day’s calories close to the body’s ‘biological night-time’ is associated with increased body fat and a higher risk of metabolic syndrome – a combinatio­n of high blood pressure, raised blood glucose and cholestero­l.

Such eating habits are more common than you might think. In one 2015 study, researcher­s monitored meal timing in healthy adults over three weeks using a smartphone app. Rather than three daily meals, they discovered erratic eating patterns and significan­t variation between weekdays and weekends, with participan­ts tending to eat later on the latter. Researcher­s concluded this shift to a longer, later eating window on weekend days was the metabolic equivalent of travelling across time zones, a phenomenon they dubbed ‘metabolic jet lag’ – which could, over time, have repercussi­ons for your metabolic health.

Although no relationsh­ip was found between body mass index (BMI) and a longer eating window in this study, a larger Spanish study found a positive relationsh­ip between this so-called jet lag and BMI in young adults. A year later, in 2016, a separate study, conducted on women of a healthy weight, found that a regular meal pattern (three meals, three snacks) resulted in better insulin sensitivit­y and less hunger when compared with an irregular meal pattern (varying between three and nine meals) comprising the same total amount of calories. The impact of meal timing on metabolic health may also explain why shift workers disproport­ionately develop metabolic syndrome, even though research suggests they don’t eat more calories.

If you do relate to the symptoms of metabolic jet lag, there are a couple of ways you can resync. On weekends, you can make an effort to mimic your weekday mealtimes, or you can still have later meals at weekends, but reduce your overall eating window, as research suggests reducing from a 15 to 10-hour period limits metabolic jet lag while improving energy levels and sleep. And for shift workers: consume the majority of your calories in the earlier part of your wake cycle and, if you need to snack during the night, opt for high-protein, high-fibre morsels. Now’s the time.

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