Women's Health (UK)


Rebel Wilson’s trainer is here to guide you through one of his signature body-weight sessions


A full-body sesh with Rebel Wilson’s PT Jono Castano

You might have seen Rebel Wilson’s epic transforma­tion last year – you know, where she set a goal to become her healthiest self in 2020, then proceeded to absolutely smash it? During her ‘year of health’, the man behind her fitness regime was Jono Castano. According to Castano, the secret to success is identifyin­g your ‘why’. ‘You need to find the reason you’re implementi­ng this structure into your life,’ he tells WH.

‘This could be as simple as committing to a healthier lifestyle or having a specific goal in mind. Once you find that reason, everything else is much easier.’

When a client comes to Castano with the goal of losing weight and getting stronger, he designs workouts that include high-intensity cardio along with weight and resistance training. One of his signature sessions? A five-move ladder circuit that’s done five times through, knocking off a few reps each time. ‘This is my go-to method of training, as it elevates the heart rate and works big muscle groups for good calorie burn and a full-body workout,’ Castano says. ‘The variety of exercises keeps training interestin­g and fun, which means my clients are more motivated to get through the session.

And as a descending ladder format, it gets easier as it goes on – physically and mentally.’ We like the sound of that.


1 | To warm up his clients, Castano usually has them do a 5-min power walk on the treadmill. A quick walk around the block will do the trick – and clear your head, too.

2 | In round one, complete 20 reps of each exercise; in round two, do 15; then 12; then 10; then 5 – until you’ve completed the entire circuit five times.

3 | Move straight from one move to the next without taking a rest, but rest for 1 to 2 mins between circuits.


Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings

(a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Looking straight ahead, bend at both your hips and knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor, ensuring your knees remain in line with your toes. (b) Push through your heels and extend your legs slightly to pulse up a few inches, then bend your knees to return to the full squat. Push through your heels and extend your legs to return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Fair warning: this one’s going to burn.


Targets: Glutes, hamstrings

(a) Lie flat on your back, bend your knees and plant your feet firmly on the floor, ensuring they’re hip-width apart. Allow your arms to rest by your sides.

(b) Press through your heels, squeeze your glutes and raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms a straight line from chin to knee, resting on your shoulders. Lower your pelvis to return to the starting position. Now go again.


Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings (a) Like a normal lunge, start with your feet hip-width apart.

Take a big step forwards with your right foot in line with your right hip, and bend your knees to lower into a lunge, until your right thigh is parallel to the floor (b) Push your right heel into the floor to straighten your right leg and lift your left foot to take a big step forward with your left leg. Bend your knees until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. That’s one rep down – keep going.


Targets: Core, obliques, back

(a) Start in a press-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your legs outstretch­ed behind you, resting on the balls of your feet.

(b) Brace your core and squeeze your glutes to prevent you from rocking side to side as you lift your left hand to tap your right shoulder. Press it firmly back down on to the floor, then lift your right hand to tap your left shoulder. Two taps = one rep. (For a deep dive on this move, flick to page 18.)


Targets: Shoulders, quads, glutes, abs, hamstrings (a) Don’t get up just yet – you’re starting this one in the same position as before. (b) Keeping your left foot on the floor, bend your right knee and bring it in towards your chest, then return it to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. That’s one rep. You’ve got this.

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