Women's Health (UK)



‘Pilates works on bringing your body back to its most functional,’ says Hollie Grant. ‘Your core and pelvic floor (the muscles that line the base of your pelvis), which can both stretch and weaken in pregnancy, are a key focus.’ That Pilates is low-impact makes it ideal for the postnatal period, she adds – though she recommends getting the all-clear from your GP before doing this workout


Targets: Back, glutes, hamstrings

Do: 2 sets of 12 to 14 reps (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees soft, spine neutral (with no bend or arch) and hands in prayer position.

(b) On an inhale, hinge at the hips, bowing forward as low as is comfortabl­e (no lower than hip height) and keeping your knees soft and spine neutral. As you exhale, press your heels into the ground and, engaging your glutes and hamstrings, slowly come back to the starting position.


Targets: Back Do: 12 to 14 reps on each side (a) Start with your feet hip-width apart and lower a few inches into a high squat position, with a neutral spine and your core engaged. Shift your weight over to your left foot, ensuring your back stays straight. (b) As you exhale, tap your right foot lightly out behind you, keeping your weight in your left foot. As you inhale, tap it back to the starting position. Do 12 to 14 reps, then switch sides.

03 ZIP -

Targets: Core

Do: 3 sets of 12 to 14 reps (a) Start on your hands and knees with your spine neutral, abdominals and pelvic floor relaxed. (b) Picture a zip running from your tail bone, between the legs, up your stomach and ending at your breastbone.

As you exhale, imagine that you’re zipping up that zip, all the way from your bum through to your belly button and chest. Inhale to unzip and reverse.


Targets: Back, glutes, shoulders

Do: 12 to 14 reps on each side (a) Start on your hands and knees, with your spine neutral and pelvic floor engaged (‘as if you’re holding in a poo and wee,’ says Grant). Imagine you have a glass of water on your back you don’t want to spill. Exhale to raise your right arm forwards to shoulder height and extend your left leg out to hip height.

(b) As you inhale, bring your right hand and left knee to touch under your stomach. (Don’t spill that water, now.) Reverse the move to come back to all fours, then repeat on the other side.


Targets: Back, shoulders

Do: 2 sets of 12 to 14 reps (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees soft, pelvis and spine neutral. Raise your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, elbows bent to 90° and palms facing forwards (as if you’re waving). (b) Inhale and rotate your arms so your forearm is parallel to the floor and your palms are face down. Exhale and rotate your arms back to the starting position.


Targets: Abductors, pelvic stabiliser­s Do: 14 to 16 reps on each side (a) Start lying on your left-hand side, knees and hips bent to 90° (tabletop position) and your spine neutral (with no arch in your back or tilt of the pelvis). Bend your left arm and rest your head on top for support. (b) As you exhale, keeping your right knee and hip at

90°, lift your right leg up to hip height. Your shin should be parallel to the ground. Inhale to slowly lower the leg back to the starting position with control.

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