Yorkshire Post - YP Magazine

On the ring road

Karen Campbell’s picaresque quest novel is often wryly comic but descriptio­n clogs the narrative.


Paper Cup by Karen Campbell CANONGATE, £14.99 REVIEW BY ALLAN MASSIE

Karen Campbell’s eighth novel, her most ambitious to date, opens with a nice piece of misdirecti­on. A drunk, scantily clad young woman is sitting by herself in Glasgow’s George Square with a chamber pot on her head and fingering her engagement ring. She has been on her hen night but her friends seem to have deserted her, and you are led to believe that it is her story we will read. However, the story belongs to a homeless woman, Kelly, along the bench from her. The engagement ring will somehow be left with Kelly and the novel telling of her attempt to restore it to the girl, even though she doesn’t know her name, only that she comes from Galloway. She will journey to find her. The ring could help turn her life around, but it’s the journey and the very varied people she will encounter that must do this.

So, Paper Cup is a quest novel and a picaresque one. Like all good quest novels, there are journeys, the story of Kelly’s physical travel and the internal story of what goes on in her mind and how this may, or may not change her. What she experience­s on the road will prove to be a moral education.

This is therefore a novel in a classic tradition like Fielding’s Tom Jones or Stevenson’s Kidnapped, no matter how different in mood and setting. There are picaresque novels which are only one damn adventure after another, leaving the leading character no different at the end from what he or she was at the beginning, but Paper Cup is more than that. Of course, Kelly’s experience­s and adventures on the road and the people she meets are of interest themselves; the novel would be dull if they weren’t, and there is a nice variety of them. But their special interest lies in what Kelly makes of them and in their effect on her.

Campbell began with crime novels, efficient police procedural­s. Paper

Cup is in one sense considerab­ly more ambitious. The picaresque novel is, or can be, liberating, the author freed from the tyranny of the plot. On the other hand, such liberation may result in self-indulgence and her new venture is not entirely free from this. Scenes are too long, sometimes, it seems, simply because of the pleasure she has had in elaboratin­g them, so they continue long after their point is clear.

One expects descriptio­n in a road trip novel, but descriptio­n clogs the narrative. One need not go so far as the French novelist Henry de Montherlan­t, who declared in his notebooks that “descriptio­n is always a bore”, but a novelist is wise to remember that Stevenson said nobody ever looks at a beautiful view for more than five minutes. So why write about it at length?

This is a good novel, even a very good one, but it would be better still if it had been cut. At its best, it is full of life, wellobserv­ed and significan­t, but too much of the life is like a photograph, not a film. This is partly, indeed chiefly, because

Campbell has elected to write it in the sadly fashionabl­e present tense, excellent often for descriptio­n, but not for narrative. The present tense tends to freeze the action and it tempts the novelist to dwell excessivel­y on detail. “On and on runs the road”, but the story too often limps.

With this qualificat­ion, there is neverthele­ss a great deal to enjoy and admire in this generous and often wryly comic novel: a nice variety

of incidents and characters, fine descriptio­ns of street life in Glasgow and of Kelly’s journey – a quest that is both physical and spiritual, offering the prospect of recovery and redemption. If there are moments when some may find the novel and its message a bit sentimenta­l, more readers are surely likely to find pleasure and satisfacti­on in the humanity of Campbell’s treatment of people who have led difficult lives.

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 ?? PICTURE: KIM AYERS. ?? NOT NOW PLEASE: Campbell writes in the sadly fashionabl­e present tense.
PICTURE: KIM AYERS. NOT NOW PLEASE: Campbell writes in the sadly fashionabl­e present tense.

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