Yorkshire Post

Yorkshire last to splash the cash on holidays

Great value for money holidays


IT HAS oft been said that the flatter the cap, the tighter the fist.

Now a new survey has further cemented the Yorkshirem­an’s reputation for penny-pinching, or at least when it comes to booking an annual break.

Data from money-saving website VoucherCod­esPro.co.uk has placed the region at the bottom of the big spenders on summer holidays.

Research revealed that the average person in Yorkshire and Humberside spent just £310 on their last holiday.

Anyone expecting a typical North-South divide in the spending table, however, may be shocked to discover that the region which spent the most on summer getaways last year was the North-East.

According to the survey of almost 3,000 people, the average resident spent £1,150 while over in the North West the figure was £860. Londoners spent slightly less at £840.

“Getting the most out of your money is important in life and that includes with holidays,” said George Charles, spokesman for the website. Many would assume that high fliers of London would spend more money on their holidays, as they earn more money. I have to say I am a little surprised the North-- East spends the most on their holidays.”

The research comes after news Britons have fallen back in love with holidaying at home, with Yorkshire and the Humber is far exceeding other parts of England in the tourism stakes. Visits to the region in April were up 41 per cent on the previous year, compared with 10 per cent nationally, says Visit England.

AT FACE value, the survey which has found that people in Yorkshire spend the least amount of money on their holidays may seem to reinforce a certain wellworn stereotype. It has been said, after all, that “a Yorkshirem­an is a Scotsman with all the generosity squeezed out of him”.

Now research has revealed that, at an average of just £310, residents of Yorkshire and Humberside are the lowest summer spenders in Britain. Those from the North East and Wales, by way of contrast, spend well over £1,000 on their holidays.

Two points need to be made. Firstly, this proves that Yorkshire people are financiall­y prudent and will not spend money that they simply do not have.

Secondly, and most importantl­y, Yorkshire boasts some of the most breathtaki­ng scenery to be found anywhere around the globe.

Why would you need to spend vast sums travelling to far-flung destinatio­ns when you have all that on your doorstep?

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