Yorkshire Post

Wass Reader worked as a clerk before serving with the East Riding Yeomanry. He wrote the diary in Pitman shorthand. Here are some of the entries:


May 20, 1917. “I am becoming simply smothered with constant lice and the seams of my breeches are absolutely thick with eggs. “I had a good wash-down in a bucket of water this morning but I cannot get rid of the lice.”

November 14 1917. “Got our forage and rations in this village and then went out to take the next one. It was while galloping across the field to do this that I got hit in the neck and I fell off my horse. I was picked up in about an hour and taken on a sand cart to the Dressing Station.”

November 23 1917. “They have put me in a bed next to the operating theatre and it is only covered in with matting. Last night I peeped through and saw them take a chap’s leg off.”

December 25 1917. “The third Christmas Day of the war. Had the tent brightened this morning and “poshed up” accordingl­y. As usual I went into town after tea and met all our lads altogether. What a night! There were 12 of the P.B. men sat drinking round one table. I will draw a gentle veil over the events of the evening, but thank goodness Christmas only comes once a year.”

January 1, 1918. “What a black prospect for the New Year. We have parties at the ocean looking for bodies washed up and burial parties parading all day. “The bodies of 150 nurses lie under the sheds at the dock awaiting burial. Up town again just for a walk round and back early to bed.”

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