Yorkshire Post

Scotland ahead of England on emissions


CAMPAIGNER­S HAVE welcomed figures showing that Scotland has achieved the second-highest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Western Europe over a quarter of a century.

Figures released by the Scottish Government reveal that the country managed a reduction of 39.5 per cent from 1990 to 2014.

This compared with drops of around 34 per cent for England and 33 per cent for the UK as a whole.

In Western Europe, Scotland’s figures were bettered only by Sweden, which saw a decline of 54.5 per cent over the same period.

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said: “It’s great to see more evidence that Scotland is in the vanguard when it comes to tackling climate change in Europe.”

He added: “Thanks to strong Government leadership over the years we’ve embraced renewables, helping to de-carbonise our power sector.

“However, looking ahead there is no room for complacenc­y if Scotland is to maintain its position as a leader on climate change and to capture the many social, health and economic benefits of moving to a zero-carbon future.

“Outside of the electricit­y and waste sectors, progress to cut carbon has been far too slow.”

He added that the Scottish Government’s new climate action plan, due by the end of the year, offers a chance to set out “transforma­tional” plans.

“Sectors in need of urgent attention include transport, where emissions remain stuck at 1990 levels and housing, with too many families wasting cash and carbon heating the outside of their leaky homes,” he said.

Ministers plan to introduce a new climate change bill which will set a target to reduce emissions by more than 50 per cent by 2020.

The figures do not include emissions from offshore sources, such as the oil and gas industry, and they do not include any adjustment­s for the effect of the EU Emissions Trading System.

 ??  ?? RIDE TO RIO: The team of cyclists including Jane Tomlinson’s husband Mike, second from left, set off from London’s Olympic Park, main picture, and the riders en route through Europe, above.
RIDE TO RIO: The team of cyclists including Jane Tomlinson’s husband Mike, second from left, set off from London’s Olympic Park, main picture, and the riders en route through Europe, above.

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