Yorkshire Post

MPs ask councils for reassuranc­es over safety at high-rise blocks


A NUMBER of MPs have written to local housing and fire authoritie­s to secure further assurances for the thousands of tower block residents in the region.

Hull MPs Diana Johnson, Emma Hardy and Karl Turner, along with Wakefield MP Mary Creagh, are among those politician­s who have been in contact with local councils to find out what actions are being taken in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.

Issuing a joint statement, Ms Johnson, Ms Hardy and Mr Turner said they officials had been able to confirm that 17 tower blocks that have cladding in Hull do not contain the same flammable material used in the Grenfell developmen­t.

But they claimed that they will continue to press the local authority about the advice that is offered to residents in the event of emergencie­s and whether sprinkler systems should be installed.

“In Parliament, we will ask questions about why fire safety recommenda­tions for tower blocks that followed previous fire incidents in the past decade have not been implemente­d,” they added.

“We will ask about the ongoing impact of many years of cuts to local authoritie­s and whether the cuts to our fire and emergency services have already gone too far. We will also demand support for councils like Hull to implement whatever recommenda­tions follow the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire.”

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