Yorkshire Post

Chief constable’s £19,000 travel cost

- ROB PARSONS CRIME CORRESPOND­ENT Email: rob.parsons@ypn.co.uk Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

West Yorkshire’s former chief constable racked up more than £19,000 in travel costs in the 15 months before he retired from the force.

The total for Mark Gilmore’s car hire, flights, rail travel, accommodat­ion and conference fees form part of the near£700,000 total cost to the taxpayer.

WEST YORKSHIRE’S former chief constable racked up more than £19,000 in travel costs in the 15 months before he retired from the force, new figures have revealed.

The total for Mark Gilmore’s car hire, flights, rail travel, accommodat­ion and conference fees form part of the near-£700,000 total cost to the taxpayer accrued since he was suspended from his job on full pay in June 2014.

Two senior Leeds councillor­s have described the total as “astronomic­al” and say it poses “serious questions about how public money is being spent”. The travel costs, obtained by The Yorkshire

Post, relate to a period when Mr Gilmore was working from his Belfast home on a project for the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

He took on this role when his suspension from policing was lifted in May 2015, after prosecutor­s investigat­ing alleged bribery and misconduct in public office in his native Northern Ireland ruled he had no criminal case to answer.

On August 8, 2016, two weeks after police and crime commission­er (PCC) Mark Burns-Williamson received a report which found Mr Gilmore had a case to answer for misconduct, he retired from policing on full pension.

Mr Gilmore is now applying for a judicial review at the High Court into what he says is the PCC’s failure to decide whether he has a case to answer. Mr Burns-Williamson denies this claim.

As The Yorkshire Post revealed on Saturday, the events since Mr Gilmore’s suspension in 2014 have so far cost the taxpayer £697,830.

This includes £445,540 on Mr Gilmore’s salary and his employer’s National Insurance Contributi­ons, £192,774 on the Lancashire Police report into his conduct, and £40,465 on legal advice to the police and crime commission­er.

The total of £19,051 is for travel costs during his spell working remotely for the NPCC developing its intranet, during which his circa-£170,000-a-year salary was paid by West Yorkshire Police.

It includes £7,324 for car hire, £7,823 for flights, £1,343 for rail travel, £2,094 for hotel accommodat­ion and £467 for conference fees.

Mr Gilmore, who insists he was “wrongly accused of misconduct”, says his deployment to the NPCC, the body which helps police forces around the country work better together, was the decision of the crime commission­er.

He said he was “home-based” but his duties required him to attend events including NPCC meetings in London, its main decision-making body the Chief Constables’ Council, a national conference and sessions dealing with recommenda­tions of a College of Policing leadership review.

His solicitor Ernie Waterworth said: “All such national work was with the prior agreement of the PCC. All travel and accommodat­ion arrangemen­ts were made by the office of the PCC and all costs were met directly by the PCC’s office.

“Anything else my client might want to say will have to wait until the court reaches its decision.”

The cost of the saga so far and the amount of detail made public by Mr Burns-Williamson have been criticised by two Leeds Conservati­ve councillor­s.

Coun Amanda Carter, Conservati­ve group member of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, which scrutinise­s the PCC, said: “The costs are astronomic­al and serious questions about how public money is being spent need to be answered.”

The police and crime commission­er says “legal considerat­ions, including the current proceeding­s brought by Mr Gilmore”, prevented him from releasing more details.

There are serious questions about how public money is spent. Councillor Amanda Carter, member of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.

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