Yorkshire Post

Managing stress ‘may be vital to cancer treatment’


A DISCUSSION about stress should be a recognised part of every cancer diagnosis, an expert investigat­ing the biological impact of “fight-or-flight” responses has claimed.

Dr Melanie Flint’s research suggests that stress reduces the effectiven­ess of a common chemothera­py drug used to treat breast cancer.

Other cancer treatments may also be impaired by the action of stress hormones, she believes.

Diagnosis is one of the most stressful times for cancer patients as they hear the bad news about their condition for the first time.

Dr Flint, whose work at the University of Brighton has focused on breast cancer, said: “A diagnosis of breast cancer is a cause of a great deal of stress, which in itself is a significan­t reason for stress management to be considered early on.

“We know reducing stress improves psychologi­cal wellbeing, but our findings give us the idea that this elevation in stress hormones, or perhaps changes in receptors that stress hormones bind to, may affect patients’ responses to chemothera­pies.

“What I would like to see is that every patient diagnosed with cancer has their stress recognised and their options talked through, and an offer of stress reduction.”

Many chemothera­py agents, including paclitaxel which is used to treat both breast and ovarian cancer, specifical­ly target rapidly dividing cells.

Dr Flint’s team found that breast cancer cells exposed to stress hormones such as cortisol and norepineph­rine generate destructiv­e DNA-damaging molecules called free radicals. This causes the cells temporaril­y to halt their relentless cell division as DNA repair mechanisms kick in. But while halting cancer cell division may sound like good news, it actually shields the tumours from the lethal effects of paclitaxel.

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