Yorkshire Post

Suicide bomber hearing adjourned


A PRE-INQUEST hearing into the death of Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi has been adjourned while police investigat­e his brother’s involvemen­t in the attack.

Fiona Borrill, area coroner for Manchester City, said that, due to the ongoing criminal investigat­ion by police, the inquest into the death of Abedi, 22, could not take place yet.

Ms Borrill said during the three-minute hearing yesterday at Manchester Town Hall, that Abedi’s family had been written to informing them of the adjournmen­t.

Only court officials, press and two uniformed police officers were present during the hearing.

Police have named the bomber’s brother, Hashim Abedi, as a suspect.

He is in custody in Libya and his extraditio­n to the UK was being sought over his alleged involvemen­t in the terror bombing on May 22.

If he is returned to the UK he will be arrested and charged so any inquest proceeding­s must by law be suspended pending a possible criminal trial.

Ms Borrill said for these practical and legal reasons the inquest into Abedi’s death was adjourned until June 28, 2018.

He detonated his device at the end of an Ariana Grande concert with 353 people, including 175 children, around him in the foyer of the arena venue. The attack left 22 people dead.

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