Yorkshire Post

Number of small firms in region up by a quarter in last seven years


THE NUMBER of small businesses in Yorkshire has risen by more than a quarter since 2010, according to new official figures.

Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions shows that there were about 416,000 firms with fewer than 50 employees at the start of this year. This is up from 329,000 at the start of 2010 and 388,000 at the start of last year, an increase of 26 per cent over seven years.

Nationwide, the estimated number of small businesses rose by 27 per cent, from 4,447,500 to 5,653,400 between 2010 and 2017. Britons are being encouraged to “shop small” this weekend as part of the annual Small Business Saturday campaign to support independen­t retailers. About £717m was spent in small shops on the day last year, which was up 15 per cent on 2015, and campaigner­s hope sales will rise again this year. Small Business Saturday, which is in its fifth year, is supported by the Government and backed by about 80 per cent of local authoritie­s across the UK.

Yesterday, The Forum of Private Business renewed its call on the Government to increase support for small businesses.

Managing director of the forum Ian Cass said: “We believe that the Government lacks an understand­ing of the environmen­t that small businesses find themselves in.”

The Government says it has appointed the UK’s first Small Business Commission­er to champion the voice of small business.

And it says 600,000 small firms will pay no business rates at all because of the extension of the doubling of rate relief.

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