Yorkshire Post

County one of worst for drink-driving

Call for better public transport links

- GRACE HAMMOND NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

More motorists are charged with drink-driving in rural areas, it is reported. Lincolnshi­re prosecutes the most per population, followed by North Wales, Warwickshi­re, DyfedPowys and North Yorkshire.

MORE MOTORISTS are charged with drink-driving in largely rural areas, an investigat­ion suggests.

Figures reveal Lincolnshi­re prosecutes the most per population, followed by North Wales, Warwickshi­re, Dyfed-Powys and North Yorkshire.

The results, based on Freedom of Informatio­n requests, prompted calls for better public transport in rural areas and warnings to anyone tempted to drink and drive over the festive period.

A total of 31 forces out of 45 provided figures over a 12-month period to May 2017.

The results showed that Lincolnshi­re charged 1,035 motorists, 14 per 10,000 population.

North Wales Police was second with 11.2 charges per 10,000 followed by Warwickshi­re Police with 10.5, Dyfed-Powys with 9.5 and North Yorkshire with 9.2.

Inspector Ewan Gell, of Lincolnshi­re’s serious collision investigat­ion unit, said the figures showed officers were “skilled at catching offenders”.

But he added: “If we are at the top of that chart I think there is a problem with drink-driving in Lincolnshi­re and we need to work very carefully to get the education message across to make sure we get those figures down.

“The only way you can change drink and drug-driving behaviour is by fear of getting caught and what these figures say to me is that we are good at catching people, so that is the message we will be putting out, we are very effective at targeting individual­s who drink-drive.”

Tory MP John Hayes, whose South Holland and the Deepings seat is in the county, has been vocal about the problem of drinkdrivi­ng and suggested it may be down to scarcity of public transport in some areas.

“Drink-driving is clearly a problem in Lincolnshi­re and it does have its consequenc­es.

“I am pleased Lincolnshi­re Police take it very seriously and proud they have charged so many offenders. It’s our job to now get the education message out there that it will not be tolerated.”

AA president Edmund King also said the figures could relate to poorer public transport.

He added: “It could also be down to more targeted police enforcemen­t, but whatever the reasons, there is no excuse for drinkdrivi­ng.”

The figures come with the annual crackdown on drink-driving over the festive period under way.

Separate figures published last week by the Institute of Alcohol Studies suggested the number of breath tests carried out on England’s roads has fallen by 27 per cent in five years as forces cut traffic officer numbers.

And Jason Wakeford, director of campaigns for West Yorkshireb­ased road safety charity Brake, said: “Drink-driving remains one of the biggest killers on our roads, causing devastatio­n to families up and down the country.

“It is essential that police forces are provided with the resources they require to crack down on drink-drivers throughout the year.”

Drink-driving remains one of the biggest killers on our roads. Jason Wakeford, director of campaigns for Yorkshire-based road safety charity Brake.

FOR DECADES hard-hitting TV campaigns along with strict laws and changing social attitudes have helped tackle the menace of drinkdrivi­ng.

Despite this lives continue to be lost or irrevocabl­y damaged each year as a result of drinking and driving. With the annual crackdown over the festive season already under way it is alarming to see that more motorists are being charged with drink-driving in rural areas.

The figures, based on Freedom of Informatio­n requests, show that Lincolnshi­re has the highest number of prosecutio­ns per population with North Yorkshire also in the top five. The findings have highlighte­d the need for better public transport in rural areas; however, this cannot be used as an excuse for breaking the law.

As Brake, the West Yorkshire-based road safety charity, points out, drinkdrivi­ng remains one of the biggest killers on our roads and there can be no let-up in our efforts to prevent it. Lives are at stake.

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