Yorkshire Post


Jayne Dowle’s plea for Northern Powerhouse

- Jayne Dowle

IF OUR region is to thrive under the “Northern Powerhouse” where do you think the impetus needs to come from? A £450-a-head conference in Manchester, labelled as an “embarrassm­ent” last year by metro-mayor Andy Burnham because there wasn’t a single woman among the 15 main speakers?

Or what about a dinner for West Yorkshire Tories at the National Coal Mining Museum, near Wakefield? A dinner which was planned to take place in March next year, just two days after the anniversar­y of the 1984-5 Miners’ Strike?

Both of these events have now been cancelled. No reason has been given for the decision to not go ahead with the Northern Powerhouse event in February. However, the museum itself has pulled the plug on the Dewsbury County Conservati­ve Associatio­n’s proposed shindig after protesters threatened to turn up. The official reason was “fears over staff safety”.

I think we all know that it is about more than a few people turning up waving placards. It tells us a deeper truth about society in the North of England right now. On the one hand we have business people, civic leaders and aspiring politicos prepared to hand over hundreds of pounds in disposable income in exchange for a chicken dinner and a marginally interestin­g speech or two. On the other, we have families who literally cannot afford to buy a Christmas turkey from Lidl (other discount supermarke­ts are available).

I am sure that the intentions of both the Northern Powerhouse conference and the Conservati­ve Party dinner were honourable. I’m sure too that both events would have provided the opportunit­y for prominent people to get together and gossip – sorry, network. However, with respect to the organisers, these kind of things never actually get anything done. They just remind us that some have, and many have not.

The members of the Dewsbury County Conservati­ve Associatio­n are entitled to enjoy themselves as much as anybody. You might think, though, with the Government in such disarray and potential Tory voters so disenchant­ed, that they would be directing their efforts into proving that they mean business. Booking a major event at a venue associated with the decimation of an industry which has caused our region so much hardship is hardly tactful.

If I was a modern, reforming Tory activist in Yorkshire I wouldn’t want my name in the same sentence as “mining”, “miners” or “strike”. Memories are long round here. There are families in my own village who still don’t talk to other families because of which side they were on in the General Strike of 1926. The recent decision not to hold a government inquiry into “the Battle of Orgreave”, the brutal clashes between police and miners during the 1984-5 strike, reminds us that the sense of injustice remains raw.

And still we hear politician­s talking blithely about the Northern Powerhouse as if none of this ever existed. I know we must move on, look forward and all that, but how can this be achieved when there is so much division still in our region?

More pertinentl­y, if the devolution aims of One Yorkshire, supported by this newspaper, are to be successful, we need to promote a united voice. A Conservati­ve dinner at a coal mining museum is hardly the way forward.

Still, what else can we expect? It is clear that the Government is so sidetracke­d and pole-axed by the agonies of the Brexit negotiatio­ns that little else is being achieved. I think it is fair to say that leadership is lacking. I know that Prime Minister Theresa May visited Leeds with her Chancellor Philip Hammond in the wake of the Budget last month.

There are no prizes for presenteei­sm, however. What’s needed is action. Mrs May might be forgiven for being busy elsewhere. So she should elevate her Northern Powerhouse Minister, Jake Berry, member for Rossendale and Darwen, to the Cabinet, so that other members of the Government will at least recognise him.

And then, I hope, he might find the confidence to put the Northern Powerhouse firmly on the agenda, start briefing the newspapers properly and look a little bit further than HS2 and the possibilit­y of some new roadworks on the M62.

For the cancellati­on of these prominent events in Manchester and Wakefield remind us of the one key ingredient which has been overlooked in the Northern Powerhouse debate so far.

The North of England is full of potential and economic promise. It is also full of people. More than five million of us live in Yorkshire for a start.

Until politician­s and policy-makers start to properly engage with us and enthuse us, their plans will amount to not much more than fancy speeches made at conference­s where the ticket prices could keep a family in food and clothing for months.

These recent cancellati­ons should serve as a marker in the sand. From now on, our so-called community, business and political leaders should forget their chicken dinners and start addressing the things which really matter to us all; declining social mobility, faltering schools, lack of jobs and what it really feels like to buy your entire Christmas list from a pound shop.

Until politician­s and policymake­rs start to properly engage with us and enthuse us, their plans will amount to not much more than fancy speeches made at conference­s.

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 ??  ?? Divisions and a sense of injustice still run deep in many of Yorkshire’s former mining communitie­s, but the region is full of potential and economic promise.
Divisions and a sense of injustice still run deep in many of Yorkshire’s former mining communitie­s, but the region is full of potential and economic promise.
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