Yorkshire Post

Town to trial plans for fitter Britain


DONCASTER HAS been chosen by Sport England as a pilot area to help build healthier, more active communitie­s across England.

About £100m of National Lottery funding will be invested in 12 pilot schemes over four years to help people to access sport and physical activity.

Latest research shows that a quarter of the general population are inactive, meaning they do fewer than 30 minutes of exercise that gets them slightly out of breath each week, with certain groups such as those in lowerpaid jobs, women and the disabled disproport­ionately affected.

Doncaster Council’s Coun Nigel Ball, cabinet member for public health, leisure and culture, said: “Becoming part of the local delivery pilot will enable us to take a long-term approach and develop, through targeted learning, measures which will ensure we have the greatest impact possible helping all our communitie­s to become healthier, resilient and more physically active.”

Minster for Sport Tracey Crouch said: “Sport is a powerful tool that helps strengthen communitie­s and improves physical and mental health, so it is right that we look to do all we can to encourage people to take part.”

Jennie Price, Sport England chief executive, said: “We are delighted that Doncaster will be working with us on this groundbrea­king investment. We want to get to the heart of the issues that stop people being as active as they might like to be, and work alongside every part of the community and the groups and institutio­ns in Doncaster that support them.

“This is not all about sport – we’re prepared to look at wider issues like transport, childcare, how easy it is to walk or cycle – whatever that community feels is most relevant to them.”

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