Yorkshire Post

Young women miss smear tests

- GRACE HAMMOND NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT Email: yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

Many young women are not attending smear tests because they are embarrasse­d about their bodies, a cancer charity has warned.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust said it was concerned that body image issues, including perception of what is “normal,” could be putting women’s lives in danger.

MANY YOUNG women are not attending smear tests because they are embarrasse­d about their bodies, a cancer charity has warned.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust said it was concerned that body image issues, including perception of what is “normal,” could be putting women’s lives in danger.

One in four eligible women aged between 25 and 64 do not currently take up their invitation for a smear test, rising to one in three among 25 to 29-year-olds.

It is even as high as one in two in some areas of the UK.

The charity conducted a survey which found that more than a third of women are failing to get tested because of their body shape.

But despite low screening attendance, almost every woman said they would have a free test to prevent cancer if one was available.

The charity is releasing the data at the start of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week and as it launches its smear test campaign #SmearForSm­ear.

It is also concerned that not enough is being done to increase attendance, with a third of local authoritie­s and Clinical Commission­ing Groups in England not having done so in the last year.

The charity’s chief executive Robert Music said: “Smear tests prevent 75 per cent of cervical cancers so it is a big worry that so many young women, those who are most at risk of the disease, are unaware of the importance of attending.

“It is of further concern that body worries are contributi­ng to non-attendance.

“Please don’t let unhappines­s or uncertaint­y about your body stop you from attending what could be a life-saving test.

“Nurses are profession­als who carry out millions of tests every year; they can play a big part in ensuring women are comfortabl­e.”

Health chiefs in Bradford are among those encouragin­g women to have their smear tests.

The latest figures from NHS Digital for the year 2016-17 show that about one in three women aged between 25 and 49 in the Bradford district are still not attending a cervical screening every three years and about one in five women aged between 50 and 64 are not attending a cervical screening every five years.

Dr Anne Connolly, GP and clinical lead for maternity, women’s and sexual health, Bradford District and Craven CCGs, said: “Any woman is at risk of developing cervical cancer, even if you have had the HPV jab at school or whether or not you have had children. Going for your routine cervical smear test is the best way to check for any changes to the cervix before it develops into cancer. Catching any abnormalit­ies early is so important as it means treatment is easier and more effective.

Cancer Minister Steve Brine said: “We must all take a stand against cancer, that’s why I’m pleased to support this campaign so we can continue to see cancer survival rates improve and more cases prevented. Lives can be saved if women book an appointmen­t.”

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