Yorkshire Post

Many fail test to spot signs they are being scammed


MANY PEOPLE may be over-confident about their ability to spot a scam, research suggests.

Four fifths of more than 2,300 people surveyed for the Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign say they could confidentl­y identify a fraudulent approach.

But in a separate test of more than 63,000 people, less than one in ten scored full marks in the Take Five Too Smart To Be Scammed? quiz.

The quiz presents people with texts and emails and asks them to say whether they think they are from a genuine organisati­on or fraudulent.

One text, purporting to be from a bank, asks the recipient to transfer money to a “safe” account – something which banks would never ask their customers to do.

In another scenario, an email asks the recipient to click on a link – something which consumers are also warned by the campaign not to automatica­lly do.

The email contains grammatica­l errors – another warning sign that it is fraudulent.

Take Five to Stop Fraud Week, which runs from January 22 to 26, is urging people to remember the mantra: My money? My info? I don’t think so!

Figures from trade associatio­n UK Finance show £366.4m was lost to financial fraud in the first half of 2017 – with a further £101.2m lost through authorised bank transfer scams.

Katy Worobec, managing director of economic crime at UK Finance, said: “Criminals are using very sophistica­ted methods, so it’s more important than ever that people are aware of how to protect themselves from fraud.

“During Take Five to Stop Fraud Week we want to spread the message that you should always question any calls, texts or emails asking for your details out of the blue.

“Stop and think before you give away any informatio­n, no matter how legitimate the person sounds – and remember – it’s My Money? My Info? I don’t think so.

“If you are unsure, then hang up and don’t reply and contact the organisati­on directly on a number you trust.”

More informatio­n about Take Five is at takefive-stopfraud.org. uk.

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