Yorkshire Post



BACK IN the 1960s, Bradford was regarded by many people as a symbol of the North’s fading industrial might, it certainly wasn’t seen as a hotbed of peaceniks.

But Alan South, then a young CND campaigner, paints a slightly different picture. “I was there in 1967 when people were giving out flowers in the centre of Bradford. I probably did too – if you were 17 or 18 back then it’s the kind of thing you did,” he says. “I had a friend who, in between leaving school and going to university, got a job on the buses as a conductor. I can remember he was doing the Bradford to Baildon route and he would hand out flowers to the passengers.”

During this period the peace movement in Britain had grown, its ranks swelled by such epoch-making global events as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the increasing­ly polarising Vietnam War.

At its heart, though, was opposition to nuclear weapons. In the years following the end of the Second World War and the devastatio­n wrought on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was growing alarm amongst many people over the proliferat­ion of nuclear weapons. There was a feeling, too, that lessons hadn’t been learned and the possibilit­y of a nuclear war had become a real and present danger.

It was out of this that the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamen­t (CND) was born and this weekend marks the 60th anniversar­y of its launch. That historic meeting was followed a few weeks later by a march to a little known Berkshire village called Aldermasto­n, home to an atomic weapons research centre, which cemented the anti-nuclear movement in the public consciousn­ess.

Alan South became involved because of his father, Alick, who was secretary of the Bradford branch. “I was involved from the age of about nine or ten. I attended a lot of CND meetings along with my father, so I grew up with the movement.”

He remembers going on some of the early Aldermasto­n marches with him. “They were great fun. There was a huge sense of camaraderi­e and there was such an assortment of people from all over the country. You met people from Glasgow and Cornwall and people of all political and religious persuasion­s,” he says. “They were very noisy, musical affairs and we quite often got support from bystanders. We weren’t regarded as a bunch of eccentrics. If we were on a longer march sometimes people would step forward and give you a bar of chocolate or congratula­te you for what you were doing.”

Bradford’s members were an integral part of the organisati­on. “David Hockney’s father, Kenneth, was very involved with CND and along with my father was among the main moving spirits in CND. He made a lot of the banners we used and I remember walking into London on one of the marches and seeing David Hockney by the side of the road cheering us on.”

Alan believes the Vietnam War helped galvanise the peace movement at the time. “That’s when CND came of age. It became a mass protest movement and people within it became politicise­d and this became both its strength and weakness because from the late 60s onwards people started diversifyi­ng.

“The people on those marches came into contact with other ideas such as vegetarian­ism and sustainabi­lity and the growth of the whole ecology movement goes back to that time.”

Alan, who’s now 68 and lives in Halifax, believes CND is as important now as it was 60 years ago. “We’re seeing a revival of interest because the situation with North Korea has made people nervous again about the possibilit­y of nuclear weapons being used either deliberate­ly or accidental­ly.

“The danger now which doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is the possibilit­y of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of IS, or some other rogue state.”

The organisati­on has ebbed and flowed over the decades but Alan believes it’s still relevant today. “The legacy of CND is enormous in what it did to radicalise a generation. If you think of the Civil Rights Movement in America during the 60s, CND was a similar phenomenon in Britain. There was a palpable sense of excitement and a desire to try and do something.”

For Kath Cripps, it was another family member who inspired her to rally to the cause. “I didn’t get actively involved until my first grandchild was born in 1972, and my thought was I wanted to make the world safer for her,” she says.

Kath was living in Hathersage, in the Peak District at the time, and took part in demonstrat­ions at places like Aldermasto­n, Molesworth, Capenhurst and Greenham Common.

The latter became synonymous with the peace movement in the 80s and Kath has vivid memories of being among the women that camped out there. “It was such a wonderful thing to be involved in, I went down there several times. I slept in a tent and in the back of an old converted ambulance once, which was very cold.”

She was there for the famous ‘Embrace the Base’ demonstrat­ion in 1982, when 30,000 women linked arms around the nine miles of perimeter fence. “That was a very inspiring occasion and something I’ll never forget.”

Kath is a member of Sheffield CND and worked in the occupation­al therapy department at the now closed Middlewood Hospital in Sheffield. She was also a magistrate, which unwittingl­y landed her in court.

It started when a friend was arrested for obstructio­n at Greenham. After refusing to pay the fine she was brought back to appear at Bakewell Magistrate­s, where Kath sat on the bench. The local

 ??  ?? Clockwise from top, Kath Cripps has been a CND member for more than 45 years; CND supporters from Bradford; Alan South went on many of the early marches with his father; A CND march through the centre of Sheffield in 1984.
Clockwise from top, Kath Cripps has been a CND member for more than 45 years; CND supporters from Bradford; Alan South went on many of the early marches with his father; A CND march through the centre of Sheffield in 1984.

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