Yorkshire Post

Landmark settlement for gas engineer suffering from asbestos-related cancer


A FORMER gas engineer who was diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer has secured a landmark legal settlement which will cover the cost of his future medical treatment.

James Casey, 63, instructed solicitors to find out how he came into contact with the deadly substance after being diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelio­ma.

It was found that grand father of-six Mr Casey, of Halifax, West Yorkshire, was most likely exposed to asbestos when working for the former North Eastern Gas Board between 1969 and 1980.

Law firm Irwin Mitchell secured a settlement which will cover Mr Casey’s future medical costs, including for treatments which are not currently available or have not yet been developed.

Mr Casey, who is married to Yvonne, said: “I was never told about the dangers of asbestos during my time at the company but if I had known more I would have asked for protective equipment.

“Mesothelio­ma has had a huge impact on my life and my entire family was devastated when I received the diagnosis.

“While nothing will now change what the future holds, I am thankful to Irwin Mitchell for their support and am relieved that this settlement will ensure I will always be able to access the care and treatment that I need.”

Mesothelio­ma solicitor Ian Toft said the settlement was an important step forward for victims of mesothelio­ma and other asbestos-related illnesses. He said: “The ultimate benefit of such an agreement is simply peace of mind, as it ensures that our client does not face uncertaint­y regarding his access to treatment.

“Furthermor­e, with new treatments constantly in developmen­t but costs also on the rise, it ensures that our client will be able to benefit from whatever is required. This is a hugely important developmen­t which ensures that those whose lives have been touched by the terrible legacy of asbestos can get the support they need at a difficult time.”

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