Yorkshire Post

Turning up the heat on the causes of fatal skin cancers


SPRING HAS already seen recordbrea­king temperatur­es – and, inevitably, the head-start on summer had people across the UK reaching for sunglasses, shorts and sun loungers. But spending hours in the baking sun does come with its risks, so this is a good time for a reminder about the importance of protecting your skin.

Skin cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the UK, according to Cancer Research UK. There are different types of skin cancer, and while some can seem easy to treat, others can spread and become lifethreat­ening if not caught early enough – which is why it’s vital to keep on top of your sun-protection regime and look out for any tell-tale warning signs that might emerge.

“Not all skin cancers look alike – it’s important to know what the warning signs are and to check your skin every couple of months,” says Dr Stephanie Munn, dermatolog­y clinical lead at Bupa UK. “Like most cancers, early detection is key in treating and stopping the spread of the cancer.”

While any one of these signs could have a number of innocent causes, it’s always worth checking with your GP, sooner rather than later, if you notice any changes to your moles or any new blemishes that you’re concerned about.

There’s certainly no need to panic if you notice a new mole popping up on your skin – but keep an eye on it. It’s also a good idea to count all the existing moles you can find and give them a look-over every now and then, and remember to check awkward places like the soles of your feet and your back, using a body-length mirror.

“In a normal mole, the border should be smooth,” says Dr Sarah Brewer, Healthspan medical director. “If it is irregular, scalloped, or ragged then that may be a warning sign – usually, the ones that look a little ‘ugly’ are the ones to watch. If you notice a mole getting darker, larger, or becoming raised, get it checked by your GP.”

Look out to see if the surface becomes scaly or if it’s causing irritation as well, and compare it to other moles on your body to track any difference­s.

The same is true for any spot or blemish which is causing you trouble for an extended period of time – don’t spend months scratching the same part of your body before you get it checked out.

Skin cancer doesn’t just present itself in moles; lumps and ulcers can also be symptoms, so keep an eye on anything on your skin that doesn’t seem quite right. Ulcers are often found around the eyes – these bleed easily and are usually pale in appearance. Red lumps can also be clues and these can be harder to find; they usually appear on hands, ears and the scalp and are more common in people who use medication that could suppress the immune system.

“Skin cancers can occur on the most intimate of places,” notes Dr Brewer, who advises us to check our privates and inside the mouth.

Dentists check for mouth cancer as well as tooth hygiene, so regular checkups are a good idea.

It’s rare, but melanoma can develop under your finger and toe nails too – so keep an eye on any dark spots under the nail that linger for longer than a couple of weeks. It’s a sign that Dr Brewer is always on the lookout for: “I recently took a man aside at a party and asked about the black spot under his thumb nail,” she says. “Turns out, he’d hit himself on the nail with a hammer and the black bruise was slowly growing up and out with the nail, but you can never be too careful!”

There’s also plenty you can do to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by covering up with hats, sunglasses and long sleeves, as well as applying sunscreen. Once you’ve slipped on a hat and slopped on some cream though, there’s nothing to stop you making the most of the glorious weather.

 ??  ?? With summer on the way, sunseekers are being urged to reduce their risk of skin cancer.
With summer on the way, sunseekers are being urged to reduce their risk of skin cancer.

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