Yorkshire Post

Saying it with spuds – the strangest gifts to teachers


A SACK of potatoes, half-drunk bottles of wine and stolen car radios and jewellery are among the gifts teachers have received in thanks for educating the nation’s children, according to a survey.

As the end of the school year approaches, most teachers are likely to receive tokens of thanks from their charges.

While many will end up with boxes of chocolates, booze and handmade offerings, the Mumsnet poll suggests that some have received presents that are peculiar, inappropri­ate or downright bad.

One teacher told the parenting website they had been presented with a bag of potatoes, while another was given a “plan your wedding” book – despite being nowhere near getting married.

A third received jewellery which they were “sure was stolen for me”.

In another case, a school worker said they had been handed a stolen car radio in a carrier bag. Other thank-you gifts mentioned included a re-gifted diffuser which the recipient knew was from the Christmas raffle as they had put the ticket on it, aftershave given to a female worker, a part-drunk bottle of wine and a half-eaten box of chocolates.

About a third would like to receive gift vouchers, while a similar proportion said they would be happy with a handmade gift. Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts said: “The ideal solution seems to be a low-pressure class collection for a voucher and a scrapbook full of messages from the small people concerned.”

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