Yorkshire Post

Brexit is consequenc­e of ignoring Thatcher’s vision


IF YOU want to know where Brexit came from, go to Bruges in Belgium. There, 30 years ago this month, Margaret Thatcher bluntly told the European Community it was going wrong.

That was a turning point in our history. It marked the start of our rejection of the concept of a federal United States of Europe and of the suppressio­n of nationhood.

Mrs Thatcher wryly acknowledg­ed that her presence at the College of Europe might seem to some like inviting Genghis Khan to speak on the virtues of peaceful co-existence.

Yet it was far from being an antiEurope­an speech. Indeed, after emphasisin­g our European ancestry, culture and contributi­ons to its liberty – 120,000 British soldiers lying buried only a few miles away – she said our destiny was in Europe as part of the EC. The unspoken question was what kind of EC.

It is the failure of Europe to provide a satisfacto­ry answer that led to us voting to leave the European Union next March.

Brussels cannot argue that Mrs Thatcher failed to give due warning or to offer a blueprint for the future.

She told them: “We have not successful­ly rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain only to see them re-imposed at a European level with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels.”

Her blueprint was willing co-operation number of EC Energy Councils with Tony Benn before that.

I grew progressiv­ely fed up with its undemocrat­ic nature, its insensitiv­ity to, and even contempt, for public opinion, its centralisa­tion of power, its pretension­s and the inequality of membership with smaller states begging like dogs for morsels to fall off the Franco-German table.

The single currency, and its devastatio­n of southern Europe with unemployme­nt, have added to my disaffecti­on. And all the while our and Europe’s Establishm­ent “elites” ignored the damage to our democracy. Why bother electing government­s that are not in control of national affairs?

It should surprise no one that we are now coming to the crunch. In facing it, the Labour Party is tragically irrelevant except as a wrecker.

Its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is owt for tuppence if it will defeat the Tories after life-long opposition to Europe as a capitalist ramp.

I suspect no one, least of all, Theresa May, thought that departure would be easy. Yet Emannuel Macron, the French president, calls me and 17.5m other Britons “liars” for claiming it would be. He speaks volumes for the European elite’s nasty vindictive­ness.

They are there to make life so awkward for us that, to utterly misread the British character, we will think twice about it.

As the Tory conference looms we need to recognise that, notwithsta­nding her current refusal to chuck the Chequers plan already rejected by the EU, Mrs May is in a strong position.

She has bent over backwards – too far for her own and our good at times – to try to secure an acceptable agreement. And all the European Union’s negotiator­s say is “Non” and then try to humiliate her.

In Salzburg she told the EU to come up with Brexit terms her party can accept or we leave with no deal.

All she needs now is manifestly to secure our independen­ce and control over our borders, trade and laws and she is a heroine.

If there is no deal, temporary disruption may well follow but other European states will suffer, too. We shall, however, have recovered our sovereignt­y. What a prize!

In conference next week every sane Tory, especially when faced with the Corbyn alternativ­e, should give Mrs May the chance to secure acceptable terms and then come together to build a new Britain just as Margaret Thatcher did.

It should be obvious to them that many aspects of British life need urgent remedial action.

And only – repeat only – the Tories these days can deliver it. They must show maturity and responsibi­lity. Come on, grow up.

 ??  ?? Margaret Thatcher delivers her Bruges speech on the future of Europe in 1988, in which she set out a vision of co-operation rather than federalism.
Margaret Thatcher delivers her Bruges speech on the future of Europe in 1988, in which she set out a vision of co-operation rather than federalism.
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