Yorkshire Post

Hunt accuses Russian spies after global wave of indiscrimi­nate cyber attacks


RUSSIAN INTELLIGEN­CE service the GRU is responsibl­e for a wave of global cyber attacks says Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Mr Hunt accused the GRU of waging a campaign of “indiscrimi­nate and reckless” cyber strikes targeting political institutio­ns, businesses, media and sport.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said that a number of hackers known to have launched attacks have now been identified as the GRU.

The move will further strain relations with Russia after Britain blamed Moscow for the nerve agent attack in Salisbury last March which dead.

The NCSC associated four new attacks with the GRU, on top of previous strikes believed to have been conducted by Russian intelligen­ce.

Among targets of the GRU attacks were the World Anti-Doping left one person Agency (Wada), transport systems in Ukraine and elections, such as the 2016 US presidenti­al race, according to the NCSC.

Mr Hunt said: “These cyber attacks serve no legitimate national security interest, instead impacting the ability of people around the world to go about their daily lives free from interferen­ce, and even their ability to enjoy sport.

“The GRU’s actions are reckless and indiscrimi­nate: they try to undermine and interfere in elections in other countries; they are even prepared to damage Russian companies and Russian citizens.

“This pattern of behaviour demonstrat­es their desire to operate without regard to internatio­nal law or establishe­d norms and to do so with a feeling of impunity and without consequenc­es. Our message is clear: together with our allies, we will expose and respond to the GRU’s attempts to undermine internatio­nal stability.”

The NCSC said it was “almost certainly” the GRU behind a “BadRabbit” attack in 2017 that caused disruption to Ukraine’s Kiev metro and Odessa airport.

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