Yorkshire Post



The Publisher. Scroll forwards 264 years and that pledge, which hangs prominentl­y on my office wall, serves to remind me, as the deeply proud editor of your historic newspaper, that I am your most humble servant whilst occupying this chair, and that it is my responsibi­lity to lead this institutio­n with courage and care in equal measure. Care: for the people served by

first and foremost. Few businesses live alongside their customers in the same way a newspaper does. We tell your stories; capture your ideas; celebrate your achievemen­ts; campaign for your causes; lobby for investment; record triumph and disaster just the same.

We are proud to call ourselves Yorkshire’s National Newspaper and take seriously the duty we have to the people who live and work here – regardless of whether or not they read

– as we hold true to our mission of doing nothing that is not in the best interests of Yorkshire.

Care also for the people this newspaper employs. Knowing that the livelihood­s of so many people who live locally with their families depend on the success of this newspaper and its digital media is a responsibi­lity I take very seriously, and it is also one which energises myself and my teams to bust a gut, day in day out, in an industry presently peppered by poison arrows from all angles.

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