Yorkshire Post

Murdered man’s aunt condemns bystanders


THE AUNT of a Sheffield murder victim has condemned his killer and those at the scene who failed to raise the alarm or try to revive him.

Kavan Brissett, aged 21, was stabbed in an alleyway off Langset Walk, Upperthorp­e, on Tuesday, August 21.

He underwent emergency surgery and spent four days on a lifesuppor­t machine in intensive care but could not be saved and died four days later.

Ahmed Farrah, 29, is believed to hold vital informatio­n about the murder but cannot be found. He knows he is wanted for questionin­g but is said to be actively evading arrest.

Farrah, also known as Reggie, has links to Broomhall and detectives have warned that anyone shielding him faces prosecutio­n.

In an emotional Facebook post written on Christmas Eve, Kavan’s grieving aunt, Libby Hamilton, said: “Whoever did this to him, and the others who did not help, call an ambulance, offer CPR or even just let his mum know that he was hurt will sit and eat their dinner tomorrow with their family.

“I really hope your dinner is hard to swallow – I don’t know how you sleep, I really don’t.”

An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and three boys – two aged 17 and one aged 16 – were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to rob in the immediate aftermath of the killing.

Last week, detectives issued a new appeal for informatio­n on the fatal stabbing. Call South Yorkshire Police on 101 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555111.

It comes after South Yorkshire was revealed to be the fourth most dangerous county in England and Wales, with 88.4 victim-based crimes per 1,000 people.

Neighbouri­ng West Yorkshire had the highest rate in the data released by the Home Office.

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