Yorkshire Post




5. Too (4)

7. Ruminate (4,3,3)

8. Use a pencil (4)

10. Prayer ending (4)

12. Place for sleeping (3)

13. Dried grape (6)

16. Finely shredded meat (5)

18. Karate expert (3)

20. Not legally valid (4)

21. Renown, celebrity (4)

22. Thin stick (3)

24. Afterwards (5)

25. Unreactive gaseous element (6)

26. Lubricant (3)

27. Chew steadily (4)

29. Roman gown (4)

33. Art of good eating (10)

34. Ring of light (4)


1. Bashful (3)

2. Move through water (4)

3. Leg part (4)

4. Freezing or very cold (3)

5. Combine numbers (3)

6. Tarnish (5)

9. Over (5)

10. Respect highly (6)

11. Young goat (3)

13. Kingdom (5)

14. Strongbox (4)

15. One after the other (2,1,3)

17. Object of worship (4)

19. Wobbly dessert (5)

23. Use a spade (3)

25. Noisy commotion or fuss (3-2)

27. Spiritual guide (4)

28. Female relative (4)

30. In the past (3)

31. Employ (3)

32. Ostrich-like bird (3)

 ??  ??

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