Yorkshire Post

Military operation in Pacific ‘will still go ahead’


DEFENCE SECRETARY Gavin Williamson has defended plans to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Pacific after China is said to have cancelled trade talks with the UK following the announceme­nt.

He said the operation would still be going ahead despite the fact Chancellor Philip Hammond’s planned meeting with Chinese vice premier Hu Chunhua in Beijing at the weekend was called off.

The Cabinet minister was asked about it at Defence Questions in the Commons yesterday afternoon, with Conservati­ve MP Bill Grant (Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock) asking: “If the Royal Navy will continue with its freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea?”

Mr Williamson replied: “I think, like so many nations such as the United States, Australia, France, New Zealand, Canada – we’re all nations that believe in the rule of law and an internatio­nal rules-based system.

“And we will always be that nation that does not just talk about it, but actually acts to uphold that rule of law that has benefited so many nations, not just ours but many nations right around the globe as well. So yes, I do.”

The Scarboroug­h-born Defence Secretary has been criticised for potentiall­y risking vital post-Brexit trade talks with China over the deployment of HMS Queen Elizabeth.

He said last week the £6.2 billion ship’s first operationa­l mission will be to head to the Mediterran­ean and the Middle East, as well as the Pacific region, where China holds disputed territoria­l claims.

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